Pinzgau Milch - The Dairy in Maishofen

Closeness to nature, sustainability and a wealth of experience: These are the cornerstones for the Pinzgau Milch specialties. The long-standing company in Maishofen is an innovative milk processing establishment. It stands for an entire region that offers ideal conditions for Bergbauern or Alpine farmers’ dairy products thanks to an ecologically unspoilt environment.



Täglich gehen unsere hochwertigen Molkereiprodukte sowie Functional Drinks in zahlreiche Länder auf der ganzen Welt. Die Grundlagen unseres Erfolges sind unsere Mitarbeiter, modernste Technologien und Insider-Wissen aus über 60 Jahren. Eigenverantwortlich agierende und gut ausgebildete Mitarbeiter bestimmen die Qualität unserer Produkte, weshalb wir großen Wert auf kontinuierliche Aus- und Weiterbildung legen. Wir begleiten und unterstützen unsere Lehrlinge auf ihrem Weg in die Berufswelt. Dabei übernehmen sie Verantwortung, bringen ihre Ideen mit ein und sind somit ein wichtiger Teil in der Weiterentwicklung unseres Unternehmens.


Milchtechnologen/Milchtechnologinnen sind Experten wenn es um Milch geht, vom Rohstoff bis zum fertigen Produkt. Der Erfolg ihrer Arbeit spiegelt sich im Geschmack und der Qualität der hergestellten Produkte wider. Die umfangreiche Produktpalette im Bereich der Milcherzeugnisse macht diesen Lehrberuf so anspruchsvoll und vielseitig.


  • Verarbeitung von Rohmilch zu Trinkmilch und anderen  Milchprodukten, z. B. Joghurt, Butter oder Käse sowie  Functional Drinks
  • Bearbeitung der Rohmilch mit verschiedenen Technologien
  • Bedienung und Überwachung von computergesteuerten  Produktionsanlagen
  • Einhaltung der Hygienerichtlinien und Desinfektion der  Arbeitsgeräte und Maschinen
  • Laufende Qualitätskontrolle der Produkte
  • Verpackung und Lagerung der Produkte


Die Lehre ist eine duale Ausbildung. Im Betrieb geht es um die Vermittlung praxisrelevanter und berufsspezifischer Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten. Dabei setzen wir auf ein rotierendes System, in dem alle relevanten Abteilungen durchlaufen werden. Einmal im Jahr besuchen unsere Lehrlinge für 10 Wochen die Berufsschule in Rotholz zur Vermittlung des entsprechenden fachtheoretischen Wissens.


  • Gutes Abschlusszeugnis der Pflichtschule
  • Freude am Umgang mit Lebensmitteln
  • Technologisches und technisches Verständnis
  • Guter Geschmacks- und Geruchssinn
  • Handwerkliche Geschicklichkeit
  • Körperliche Fitness
  • Sinn für Sauberkeit und Hygiene


Entlohnung nach dem KV für genossenschaftliche Molkereien:
1. Lehrjahr € 914, 2. Lehrjahr € 1.176 3..Lehrjahr € 1.699 monatlich brutto
Erwachsenenlehre € 2.251 monatlich brutto

Zahlreiche Benefits und zusätzlich 40€ Einkaufsguthaben monatlich im Abholmarkt. 


Mechanik + Elektronik = Mechatronik. 
Mechatroniker/Mechatronikerinnen sind Fachleute in Hinblick auf komplexe Systeme aus Mechanik und Elektronik.

Das Berufsbild gehört zu den technischen Berufen und ist insbesondere aufgrund der Komplexität unserer Anlagen besonders anspruchsvoll und abwechslungsreich. In der Lehre zum Mechatroniker/zur Mechatronikerin lernst du,  wie man technische Pläne liest, elektrische und mechanische Bauteile zu Maschinen und Systemen zusammenbaut, wie diese Maschinen funktionieren und wie man sie wartet und repariert.

Bei diesem Lehrberuf handelt es sich um einen Modullehrberuf. Neben dem Grundmodul Mechatronik bieten wir die Ausbildung in folgenden Hauptmodulen an:

  • Automatisierungstechnik
  • Fertigungstechnik
  • SPS-Technik


  • Arbeiten in den Bereichen Mechanik und Elektrotechnik
  • Wartung und Instandhaltung von Maschinen und Anlagen
  • Ermitteln und Beheben von Störungen an den  verschiedensten Anlagen


Die Lehre ist eine duale Ausbildung. Im Betrieb geht es um die Vermittlung praxisrelevanter und berufsspezifischer Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten. In der Berufsschule in Salzburg, die während der Lehrzeit vier Mal besucht wird, steht die Vermittlung von benötigtem fachtheoretischem Wissen  im Vordergrund. Zusätzlich nehmen unsere Lehrlinge an Ausbildungskursen im Technischen Ausbildungszentrum (TAZ) in Mitterberghütten teil, um dort ihre Fertigkeiten zu verbessern.


  • Gutes Abschlusszeugnis der Pflichtschule
  • Technisches Interesse und Verständnis
  • Handwerkliches Geschick und körperliche Fitness
  • Konzentrationsfähigkeit und Lernbereitschaft
  • Genaue Arbeitsweise


Entlohnung nach dem KV für genossenschaftliche Molkereien:
1. Lehrjahr € 914, 2. Lehrjahr € 1.176 3. und 4. Lehrjahr € 1.699 monatlich brutto
Erwachsenenlehre € 2.251 monatlich brutto

Zahlreiche Benefits und zusätzlich 40€ Einkaufsguthaben monatlich im Abholmarkt. 



Die spezifischen Inhalte im Lehrberuf Labortechnik sind Biochemie und Laborautomatisation. Als LabortechnikerIn führst du biochemische und biotechnologische Untersuchungen und Versuche an verschiedensten Stoffen durch, z.B. an Rohmaterialien, an Zwischen- und Fertigprodukten.


  • Biochemie und Laborautomatisation
  • Untersuchen von Rohmaterialien, Zwischen- und Fertigprodukten
  • Versuche an Rohstoffen


Die Ausbildung im Modullehrberuf Labortechnik umfasst eine zweijährige Ausbildung im Grundmodul "Labortechnik" und eine eineinhalbjährige Ausbildung im Hauptmodul Biochemie.  Zusätzlich wird in einem weiteren halben Ausbildungsjahr das Spezialmodul Laborautomation erlernt. 


  • Gutes Abschlusszeugnis der Pflichtschule
  • Interesse und ein gesundes Verständnis an Lebensmitteln
  • Geschick und körperliche Fitness
  • Konzentrationsfähigkeit und Lernbereitschaft
  • Genaue Arbeitsweise


Entlohnung nach dem KV für genossenschaftliche Molkereien:
1. Lehrjahr € 914, 2. Lehrjahr € 1.176 3. und 4. Lehrjahr € 1.699 monatlich brutto
Erwachsenenlehre € 2.251 monatlich brutto

Zahlreiche Benefits und zusätzlich 40€ Einkaufsguthaben monatlich im Abholmarkt. 



Als Betriebslogistikkaufmann:frau bist du für die Beschaffung aller für den Reparaturbetrieb notwendigen Ersatzteile und Hilfsmaterialien zuständig. Diese umfassen den Wareneingang, Kontrolle, Lagerhaltung und Ausgabe der Lagerartikel. Weiters gehört auch die vollumfängliche Lagerverwaltung wie Lieferscheinbearbeitung, Verbuchung von Lagerbewegungen und Inventur zu deinem Aufgabenbereich. Du arbeitest sowohl am Büroarbeitsplatz als auch im Magazin/Lager am Standort. Am Ende deiner Ausbildung beherrschst du die Lager- und Büroorganisation sowie die Kontrolle und Überwachung dieser Bereiche.


  • Spaß an der PC-Arbeit und gute MS Office Kenntnisse
  • Kontaktfreudiges Organisationstalent
  • Technisches Verständnis und große Neugier
  • Genaue Arbeitsweise
  • Gute Umgangsformen, Freundlichkeit, Einsatzbereitschaft und Verantwortungsbewusstsein
  • Quereinsteiger sind Willkommen


Entlohnung nach dem KV für genossenschaftliche Molkereien:
1. Lehrjahr € 914, 2. Lehrjahr € 1.176 3. Lehrjahr € 1.699 monatlich brutto
Erwachsenenlehre € 2.251 monatlich brutto

Zahlreiche Benefits und zusätzlich 40€ Einkaufsguthaben monatlich im Abholmarkt. 




Sende uns deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und Zeugnisse) per Mail an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. oder per Post an Pinzgau Milch Produktions GmbH, Personalabteilung, Saalfeldnerstraße 2, 5751 Maishofen


Nach der Sichtung deiner Unterlagen, laden wir dich zu einem persönlichen Gespräch ein. Dabei wollen wir mehr über dich und deine Motivation erfahren.


Damit du einen möglichst guten Einblick in die Tätigkeiten und Anforderungen des gewünschten Lehrberufs bekommst, laden wir dich für einige Schnuppertage ein.


Nach den Schnuppertagen bekommst du zeitnah eine Entscheidung zu deiner Bewerbung.

Auch Lehre mit Matura und Erwachsenenlehre möglich!

Privacy Policy for Business Partners

We take data protection and personal privacy very seriously and would therefore like to inform you about how we collect and use your personal and business data. Below, you will find the categories of data that we process and store, although not all data is collected by all business partners. Due to our extensive privacy policy as well as wide-ranging technical and organizational regulations in dealing with personal data, we ensure a trustworthy and safe handling of your personal information. By providing us with your personal data, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.

1. Data Categories

We process personal data that can be allocated to the following categories:

  • company name
  • type of company
  • owners, managing directors, board members
  • UID number
  • address
  • zip code / city
  • telephone number
  • e-mail
  • contact person (name, telephone number, e-mail)
  • bank details
  • offers/quotations
  • prices
  • contracts
  • delivery notes
  • invoices
  • complaints
  • sales
  • conditions, bonuses
  • contract texts and business correspondence

2. Legal Basis

We process data about you based on our legitimate interests or those of a third party. The data provided by you is also required to fulfill the contract, to carry out pre-contractual agreements or due to legal obligations. Without this data, we cannot enter into a contract with you.

3. Purpose of Data Processing

Data processing takes place for the following purposes:

Processing of tasks connected to the business relationship, e.g.

  • generating quotations
  • processing of orders
  • deliveries of goods
  • processing of complaints
  • processing of warranty and guarantee claims
  • safeguarding your legal interests against third parties
  • fiscal and tax regulations
  • developing business transactions

4. Storage Period/Deletion Period

The data is stored at least according to the respective legal retention period. In addition, it is stored until termination of any legal dispute, until the end of ongoing warranty or guarantee periods, until the termination of the business relationship or until a point in time, when a reestablishing of a business relationship can be ruled out.

5. Processors of Personal Data

For data processing, we partially use contract processors of personal data.

6. Transfer of Data

We pass on your data to the following recipients or recipient categories:

  • business partners
  • public accountants
  • administrative authority (when and where necessary)
  • legal representatives (when and where necessary)
  • courts (when and where necessary)
  • banks (when and where necessary)
  • insurance companies (when and where necessary)
  • providers of IT services

7. Contact Details

You can reach us or the privacy protection coordinator at:
Pinzgau Milch Produktions GmbH
Att. Rupert Machreich
Saalfeldnerstraße 2
A-5751 Maishofen
tel.: +43/6542/68288
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8. Legal Information

Since we process the data in our legitimate interests, you have the right of objection should there be reasons due to your particular situation that speak against this.

You have the right to disclosure of information, the right of correction, deletion, restriction and data transfer as well as the right to objection. To execute these rights, please contact us.

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or if your data protection claims have been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the Austrian Data Protection Authority.


Data protection declaration

Use of our website can generally be done without the input of any personal details. In so far as personal details are gathered by our site (for instance, surname, postal or e-mail address), this is done, in so far as is possible, on a voluntary basis. These details will not be forwarded to third parties without your express approval.

We would point out that data transfer on the Internet (e.g. communication by e-mail) may have loopholes in security. It is not possible to protect such data completely against access by third parties.

We hereby expressly object to the third party use of contact details which has been published in the context of imprint regulations for the transmission of advertising and information material which has not been asked for. The operators of this website reserve the express right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited receipt of advertising information, via spam mails, for instance.

Privacy Policy for the use of Google Analytics

This website uses functions of the web analytics service Google Analytics. Provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies". These are text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

For information about how to handle user data on Google Analytics, please refer to the Google Privacy Policy:

Browser plugin

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Order processing

We have entered into a contract data processing agreement with Google and fully implement the strict requirements of the German data protection authorities when using Google Analytics.

IP anonymization

We use the function "activation of IP anonymization" on this website. As a result, your IP address will be truncated by Google beforehand within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address provided by Google Analytics as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.

Privacy Policy for the use of Google Maps

This website uses the map service Google Maps via an API. Provider is the Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. To better use the features, cookies and IP addresses are usually transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

For more information on how to deal with user data, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy:

Privacy Policy for the use of Google Web Fonts

For the sake of consistency, this website uses the Google Web Fonts service. Provider is the Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. When retrieving these web fonts, Google servers can use the connection to retrieve their IP addresses.

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More information about Google Web Fonts can be found at and in Google's Privacy Policy:

Privacy Policy for the use of Google reCaptcha

To verify that data entry (in a form) is by a human or an automated program, this website uses Google reCaptcha. Provider is the Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Here are analyzed for analysis various data (user behavior, IP address) and forwarded to Google servers in the United States. This is done in the background.

More information about Google reCaptcha and Google's privacy policy can be found at and

Data protection declaration for the use of Facebook plug-ins (the ‘Like’ button)

Plug-ins for the social network Facebook (Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA) are integrated on our site. Facebook plug-ins can be recognised by the Facebook logo or the ‘Like’ –button on our site. An overview about Facebook plug-ins can be found here:

When you visit our site the plug-in makes a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server. Facebook receives information, including your IP address, that you have visited our site. If you click on the Facebook ‘Like’ button when you are logged into your Facebook account, the content of our site may be linked to your Facebook profile. This means Facebook can correlate your visit to our site with your user account. We would point out that as the service provider of the site, we are not aware of the content of the data which is transferred or its use by Facebook. Further information about this matter can be found in the data protection statement from Facebook at

If you do not want Facebook to attribute your visit to our site with your Facebook user account, then please log out of your Facebook user account.

Information, deletion, blocking

You have the right to free information on the personal data saved about you, its origin and recipients and the purpose of data processing at any time. You also have the right to correct, block or delete this data. To this end, or if you have any other questions, you can contact us at any time using the website operator’s address provided in the legal information.


The websites use some so-called cookies. Set cookies on your computer no harm and do not contain viruses. Cookies are used to make our offer more user-friendly, effective and safer. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and saved by your browser.

Most of the cookies we use are so-called "session cookies". They are automatically deleted after your visit. Other cookies remain on your device memory until you delete them. These cookies allow us to recognize your browser on your next visit.

You can set your browser so that you are informed about the use of cookies and allow cookies only in individual cases, activate the acceptance of cookies in certain cases or general rule and the automatic deletion of cookies when you close the browser. Upon deactivation of cookies, the functionality of this website may be restricted.


The provider of the pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, that your browser transmits to us automatically. These are:

  • Browsertyp/ browser verision
  • Operating system used
  • Referrer URL
  • Host name of accessing computer
  • Time of server request

These data are not specific individuals. A reunion of these data with other data sources is not made. We reserve the right to examine these data retrospectively if us concrete evidence of unlawful use are known.


On our website you have the possibility to subscribe to our newsletter. For the subscription we need your email address and your consent to receive our newsletter.
To provide you with relevant information we also gather and process voluntary information concerning interests, name, date of birth and country/region of origin.
After signing up for our newsletter you will receive an email containing a link to confirm the subscription.
Your subscription can be cancelled any time by clicking on the cancellation link in the respective newsletter.
To process your subscriptions and to send our newsletters we use software provided by ADDITIVE s.n.c., 39011 Lana (BZ), Italy (“ADDITIVE”). Through the use of these services and systems your data will be processed and stored, at least in part, also outside of the EU or the EEC. The adequate level of data protection is based on an adequacy decision taken by the European Commission (“Privacy Shield”) or on data processing agreements.


If you send us via the contact form requests, your data from the Request Form, including the contact details provided by you will be stored there for the purpose of processing the request and in the case of follow-up questions with us. These data will not be disclosed without your consent on.

Thank you for your request!

We will contact you as soon as possible.

Lieferanten (PiMi)

Mit dem unten angeführten Link erreichen Sie unser Online-Lieferanten-System.

Bei Fragen rund um Milchkontingente oder Milchgeldverrechnung stehen Ihnen unsere Mitarbeiter gerne zur Verfügung:

Matthias Zehentner
Tel: +43 6542 68266 112
Mobil: +43 664 4034 967
Fax: +43 6542 80174 110
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Milk Cash Clearing
Michael Langegger
Tel: +43 6542 68266 110
Fax: +43 6542 68266 110
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Information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Law (ECG),
§14 Corporate Code or §63 Trade Regulations
and Disclosure Obligation according to §25 Media Act

Pinzgau Milch Produktions GmbH

Saalfeldnerstraße 2
A-5751 Maishofen, Ausria

Telephone: +43 6542 68266
Fax: +43 6542 68266338
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Legal form: GmbH
Company register: 236854 s
UID: ATU 57189633
Authority in accordance with ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Zell am See
Control authority: Landesgericht Salzburg
Member of Wirtschaftskammer: Salzburg
Trade regulations:
Managing Direktor: Wilhelmstätter Hannes, Dipl.- Ing. Steiner Hans

More info: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

Webdesign & Implementation


Sources for the images and graphics used

Archive: Pinzgau Milch Produktions GmbH , Matthias Rhomberg

Icons:, Font Awesome by Dave Gandy
Icons made by Freepik from


Texts, pictures and graphics of this site may only be used after explicitly expressing the owner's consent.

Responsible for contents

As a service provider we are responsible for our own contents on this site, as per general laws. As a service provider we are however not obliged to monitor external information which has been submitted or stored, or according to circumstances to research information which may be unlawful. Responsibility for the removal or blocking the use of information in accordance with general laws remain unaffected by this. Liability in this regard is only possible from the point of there being knowledge of a concrete breaches of laws. When relevant breaches of laws become known, we will remove the content straight away.

Liability for links

Or offer contains links to external third party websites, on whose content we have no influence. For that reason we also accept no responsibility for this external content. The respective service provider or operator of the site is responsible for these sites. Linked sites are checked at the point the link is made for any possible legal infringements. Unlawful contents were not detected at the time of the link setting. A permanent inspection of contents of linked sites is however not feasible without concrete anecdotal evidence of legal infringement. When we become aware of any legal infringements we will remove these links straight away.

Copyright law

The content and items presented by the site operators on this site is subject to German copyright law. Reproduction, adaptation, distribution and any kind of utilisation outside of the boundaries of this copyright law require approval in writing of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are permitted for private, non-commercial use only. In so far as the contents of this site have not been created by the operator, the copyrights of third party supplies are to be heeded. Content from third parties is marked as such. Should you become aware of any copyright infringement we would ask you to please let us know. When we become aware of any infringements of rights, any such content will be removed straight away.


Important information about the online offer

Note EU mediation

The European Commission offers the possibility for online dispute resolution on one of their powered platform (so-called. "ODR platform"). The OS platform can serve as a focal point for the extra-judicial settlement of disputes arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. This platform can be reached via the external link.

Gender equality

For the purposes of the readability of the website or in texts on the supervised social channels, either selected male or female form of personal names. This implies no discrimination of the opposite sex. For example, by visitors or employees is spoken, visitors and staff are of course just meant. All information and content related to women and men alike.


This website is not without limitation to benefits for persons with physical disabilities, such as vision, hearing or motor function. On the accessibility working, we are happy to call or e-mail information about our content. For more information and a fair can be found at the Conciliation Body for Disability Equality Ministry of Social Affairs

The Company

100% best
Alpine farmers’ milk

Discover the beautiful landscape of the region, the high-quality products of Pinzgau Milch and many interesting details about our company.


cheese specialities

The popular Almsenner cheese specialties are created in an elaborate process carried out by hand. We use only the best, fresh Alpine farmers' organic and hay milk.


Innovation and

The development of new, individual products is our core competency. We combine many years of experience with know-how to accompany our customers from the idea to the finished product.


Pinzgau Milch


Current events

Tierschau mit Hoffest

Anlässlich des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der LFS Bruck findet im April am Schulgelände eine Tierschau mit Hoffest statt. Auch wir sind mit unseren Spezialitäten mit dabei!


Kaiserwinkl Kasfest

Das Kaiserwinkl Kasfest bietet kulinarische Besonderheiten aus der Region und Unterhaltung für die ganze Familie. Neben herzhaften Käseschmankerln und Spezialitäten, gibt es auch die Möglichkeit altes Kaser-Handwerk zu bestaunen.


PLMA Amsterdam

Die jährliche, internationale Fachmesse der PLMA „Welt der Handelsmarken“ ist schon seit vielen Jahren ein Fixpunkt im Messekalender der Pinzgau Milch, um Produkte und Innovationen zu präsentieren, Kunden zu treffen und neue Kontakte zu knüpfen.


Imageclip Pinzgau Milch

Supported by the federal government, the federal province and the European Union


Infant milk project: Structural and mechanical investment for the production of liquid infant milk. Supported by the federal government, the federal province and the European Union.
logoleiste land offiziell
logoleiste land offiziell
logoleiste land offiziell
logoleiste land offiziell

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